Baseball Hitting Upper Body Flexibility Routine We'll show you how to achieve fantastic Range of Motion for Baseball!Our programs are scientifically based and created by a world renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaichik Take a look at this video to learn more about Baseball Range of Motion Flexibility While a perfect swing of the bat involves much lower body and core effort, shoulder flexibility must be paid attention to. Flexible shoulder and shoulder girdle allows the batter to move the torso more, prior to initiating the arm swing. This accounts for two things: 1. Greater acceleration of the bat: The longer bat can accelerate the more force it will deliver upon impact. 2. Ability to produce force in greater range of motion: It's a common knowledge that the muscles are not very strong in their end ranges. If the batter makes a mistake and has to correct it in mid-swing, this factor is very helpful. It will allow the athlete to initiate the arm action just a split second later, and still hit with a lot of power. Got my flexibility back after many years! Years ago I was flexible enough to get into a right side split. Those days are long gone. With these three videos I hope to achieve splits in all directions. So far, my seated open front stretch has improved. I can just about lay flat on the floor when bending from the waist. I've also gained about an inch in my right side split and anticipate great results. Avoid injury, improve your range of motion!Professional players do this all the time!And now YOU can too! General baseball stretching routine involve static stretches. More advanced coaches use dynamic stretches. While the dynamic stretches don't like to decrease in muscle contraction speed, like their static counter parts, neither lead to quick flexibility gains. The biggest issue is the stretch reflex. Pain caused by this reflex stops many athletes from developing range of motion. Zaichik stretches on the other hand, avoid the pain of the stretch reflex. On top of that they only focus on the muscles needed for the swing, and in the ranges where flexibility is needed most. Together with stretches, strengthening exercises are used in this routine to keep the newly developed range of motion and make it useful for the athlete right away. You want to improve your game? There are sports, during which a player can participate with an injured shoulder, but never in Baseball. You want to improve your game? You must have full range of motion in both shoulders to function at the optimum level. While lower body flexibility significantly improves performance, upper body flexibility is an absolute must. But wait, there's More! Let us show you how you can dramatically improve your flexibility steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the ZST. Zaichik Stretching Techniques are unlike anything you’ve ever done before! Take 6 seconds and try this technique right now! This example focuses on the shoulder because it’s easy to do standing. Watch your shoulder get flexible in 6 seconds, try it now! Stretching& Flexibility Method that will Change Your Life Forever! The Magic ofthe Zaichik Stretching MethodScientifically designed by a world-renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaihick, with over 30 years’ experience in the field.Isolates muscle actions one by one (to ensure they are doing their job).Takes care of the muscles that are tighter firstAllows easier focus, since you are working on one specific area at a timeYou can do it all on your own! No pushing or bouncing is necessary, not even a partner!Remember that phrase “No Pain – No Gain?”, well it doesn’t apply to our method. Each stretch is designed to be PAIN-FREE! Thereby eliminating discomfort and allowing you to continue training to achieve faster results.Totally safe, since it was designed according to what is natural for your body.Gains are permanent and steadyIt is very enjoyable to doResults are visible right away since the stretch reflex is avoided, which means you’ll get to show off your flexibility in no time! You can start right now! This program is online! -You can watch from any device. - Get support from our private group of students. - Lifetime access. Here's what you'll get: An online video containing the follow along routine plus explanations before each exercise.The routine contains joint mobility warm-up, conditioning exercises to prepare your muscles , Zaichik Stretching Techniques for each single muscle involved, strength and supporting exercises and a cool down section.LifeTime Online for you: - You can watch from any device.Get support from our private group of students.Lifetime access. Click on the BUY NOW BUTTON below to get started! Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to! YOU MAY ALSO BE INTERESTED IN: Pitching Lower Body Flexibility This program contains: Just like healthy mobile shoulder is a must for a top pitcher, so is the hip. Each phase of the pitch, from the wind up to the follow through can be improve through hip flexibility training. Click here to learn more Baseball Beginner Combo This package contains 2 programs: Pitching Upper bodyHitting Upper bodyOur program focuses on all the muscle groups, used by baseball players. It improves performance, decreases chances of injuries and increases ease of movement. Click here to learn more Shoulder Combo This package contains 2 programs: Overhead Shoulder FlexionShoulder ExtensionOur proven program isolates each muscle of the shoulder joint and of the shoulder girdle. Every muscle action is used against it's own action to quickly create space. The whole procedure is fast and free of stretch reflex pain. Click here to learn more Don’t see what you want? Need help selecting a program? Want to buy more than one program? We can put together a one step checkout for you with all the programs that you wish to buy so you don't need to keep clicking the buy now button over and over again and can checkout one time with all the programs you need.We’re here for you! Just send us an email to [email protected] describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you! Enough time wasted! Stop wasting time and money, risking your health, hitting plateaus, wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it! Start your EasyFlexibility Training Program right NOW!